
Friday, 9 September 2011

One Week down, 51 to go.

So after one week working at my branch I definitely feel less terrified now than I did on Monday. One of the advantages to my schedule is that I currently don't work Saturdays, (I have a feeling that this could change any time) but many of my fellow co-workers do. I remember when they first took us to look at our branch, it was a Saturday, children were running up and down the corridor, running, screaming, and fighting. I then turned to my fellow newbie and said.

“That's going to be your class.”

The observations were worthwhile because now I definitely have a better idea of what I should be teaching and how I should be teaching it. Yesterday the teacher pulled out a set of flashcards in front of the class, which I didn't even know existed. The most useful thing about the observations is that I now know what I should have, but don't have. If I hadn't used up my free time to go watch other teachers I would have been so screwed. As much as I complain about the slackness of my branch, the upside is that they haven't been strict, or told me off at all.

Thank god that it's now Saturday. I'm so exhausted from being at school every single day and having to constantly keep my eyes on the the kids and tell them.

“Why aren't you sitting down?”

“Why are you looking at that book, you should be writing in this one.”

“Why are you standing on the table?”

I think that I'm probably still too lenient on these kids, I have to slowly get stricter and stricter. Today's lesson was a lot better than the first, but I think I still have a long way to go if I want to be a teacher.

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