After six months of working at HESS I'm happy to announce that I've made the decision to leave. It's a decision that I made around the second day of training, but it's taken this long to implement. The reason being lack of funds and no other job. But now, after so many long months I have finally paid off all my loans and freed my Passport from their iron grip, I've also managed to save up enough money to buy a plane ticket far far away.
My reason's include
I'm tried of my fellow teachers being cold to me because I earn more than they do
I'm tired of never being told what's going on till the last moment
I'm tried of planning lessons only to get to work and find the computer, photocopier and CD player are all broken.
I'm tired of the high taxes
I'm tried of having to go to work sick because I have no paid sick leave
I'm tired of losing money because of the unpaid Taiwanese public holidays
I have no Christmas vacation
During Chinese New Year I managed to secure a much better job in Japan. Unlike Hess it provides paid holidays, sick leave, and transportation allowance. It also have 9-5 hours and the pay is a bit better. Given that I was yet again hired through a Skype interview, I'm a bit apprehensive about my new job, but I've decided that it can't be worse that my old crappy job. The cost of living is of course higher in Japan, but I should still be better off that what I am at the moment.
You may be wondering why I didn't just go to another school within Taiwan? Other than tI did some research and most other jobs aren't going to offer me the his job killing my desire to saty heresae amount of hours that I currently have. No matter where I work the salary isn't anything compared to what I could earn in my home country either. I've met fellow foreigners who have left the English teaching Scene and moved onto Taiwanese companies, but the salary is far lower that teaching English. All in all there isn't really much opportunity for career advancement in this place. My local Subway is actually owned and run by an American who wanted to get out of teaching English.
Another reason that I've an the decision to leave is simply because there is no reason to stay. I've found that most of the people who do, do so because they are dating a Taiwanese person. Most of my friends seem to also be leaving as well, so I thought I would follow the trend and just go as well.
As I said before I'm over this job, but I'm not going to say that HESS is evil. There are plenty of blogs out there will horror stories about this company, but if you learn to work it to your advantage it's not so bad. If you get placed in a decent branch and learn how to manage your time well it can be pleasant experience. One of my Co-workers had a great time and was very sad to leave. On the flip side I have friends who had terrible experiences far worse than my own. It's just not HESS, most big corporations will generally treat their employees like crap, it's the only way that you can expand and grown in this current economic climate. Next time I think I've go for a smaller school.
I also found that those who made it to the top of the company also seemed to be working things to their own advantage. One week I received an email from Head Office announcing that they were opening a branch in Korea and were taking application. Another week
But would I recommend HESS to anyone? Probably not. The thing which most angered e about this company is the way they trap you into working for them. After you spend so much mone getting to Taiwan they can dismiss you at training if you don't get along well with them. They also fine you 20,000NT if you leave before the end of your contract, which is another insentience not to leave. I would have been gone months ago if I hadn't been trapped in the financial hole that I created for myself by signing up for HESS. Advice for anyone, don't go for a job which asks you to get a tourist visa instead of a working Visa, this just makes it easier for the company not to employ you once you get there. I once sent an email asking if I should provide any evidence of work with my visa application and my response was "No, just tell them that you are going for a holiday." This is probably the moment when the alarm bells went off. HESS is also know for not treating their employees very well.
The only positive things that I have gained from this job is the experience. It was a good way to break into the English teaching world, and it made it 100X easier to then pick up another job.
I feel that I great weight has been lifted from my shoulders, and I now go into work very happy. My HNST is on holiday at the moment do I'm waiting until he returns to discuss leaving.
My countdown calender, I look at this when I'm angry about work. |